Friday, October 24, 2008

Oh man..I seriously gotta pen my thoughts down =w=

Dear diary,

It's been 5 days since I've been sent to the warfront. Here, it's every man for himself, fighting their very own battles. Struggling to survive in this dog eat dog world.

Day 1, the mission was to bring down the subject, code named, Chemistry. I wasn't really satisfied with the outcome of the battle though. I felt that I could have and should have done better. But how much damage have I dealt to the enemy, only time would tell.

Day 2's mission was much better than the previous day. The mission was code named, "The long evening". Reason being, it was a day where I had to battle 2 papers on a single day. And the two papers are from the enemy, English. The 1st paper starts and ends from 2:30 - 4 pm whereas the 2nd papers starts from 5-6:45pm. And in this mission, I felt that I was succesfull in taking the enemy down. At the end of paper 2, tears couldn't help but roll from my cheeks as I was overwhelmed by a sense of satisfaction and relief for my work. A first, that I've felt this kind of emotion.

Day 3 & 4 was considered a break period but I've used it as a time for preparations for the mission on day 5. As I'll meet my long time nemisis there. Maths.

Today, Day 5. The strong adversary appears. It was an uphill task. The enemy was strong and it got me good in quite a number of areas. Though I feel I won't fail yet I can't guarentee high marks either. The enemy was strong. Yes. We shall meet again on Day 11. I swear I will take you down or I won't be able to face her properly!

Well, it's been full of ups and downs. Both personal conflicts back home and at the warfront. Sigh. It just makes me feel that I'd rather stay at the warfront. Taking O levels. Not being able to go back where more problems, conflicts lie ahead to be solved. As in the warfront, I'll just need to worry of keeping myself alive and take each enemy down sytematically and as cleanly as possible. I'd just have to worry bout myself. Selfish? I guess so. But if I can't even guard my own back, how am I supposed to guard others?

Mann~O levels sure have put some thought in my mentality. I guess this is a small taste as to how soldiers feel when they go to war. No wonder people change when they go to war..And I think I'll be no different and unable to run away from this change..


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